Singing Guide: Cœur de Pirate

Singing Guide: Cœur de Pirate

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Cœur de Pirate is a French-Canadian singer-songwriter who has captivated audiences around the world with her unique voice and style. Her music is characterized by its dreamy, melancholic sound and poetic lyrics.

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Cœur de Pirate, the first step is to understand her vocal style. One of the most distinctive aspects of her singing is her use of vibrato, which gives her voice an ethereal quality. To develop this technique, try out Singing Carrots' Vibrato video tutorial and Diaphragm Bounce exercises.

Cœur de Pirate's voice is also known for its clarity and diction. To improve your vocal clarity, check out Singing Carrots' Articulation article and Finger Bite video tutorial.

Breath control is another important aspect of Cœur de Pirate's singing. For exercises on breathing techniques, including breath support and active/passive breathing, Singing Carrots offers valuable resources like the Breath support article and Farinelli Breathing video tutorial.

To master Cœur de Pirate's unique vocal style, try practicing her songs, such as "Comme des enfants" and "Place de la République". You can use the Singing Carrots Pitch Training Educational Singing Game to learn the songs by ear and to work on pitch accuracy. You can also test your vocal range through the Singing Carrots Vocal range test.

If you're interested in further developing a French-Canadian vocal style, Singing Carrots offers a wide range of articles and exercises on vocal techniques, including classical vs pop/jazz singing, heavy modal, twang, and belting techniques, and more. Just visit our blog section and skill-related video tutorial playlist for more!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.